Statistics & Research about Coupeville,WA - 1st Rate Insurance Services Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Coupeville,WA an area served by 1st Rate Insurance Services Llc

Phone : 360-682-2162

Real estate research for area nearby 1st Rate Insurance Services Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Carlsborg 125,400 780 7.5
Port Ludlow 366,100 1525 5.0
San Juan County 494,700 937 2.3
Bow 364,800 817 2.7
Bell Hill 487900 NA NA
Oak Bay-Port Ludlow 304,400 638 2.5
Edison 293800 NA NA
Hansville 303,600 1630 6.4
North Whidbey Island 249,100 996 4.8
Coupeville 268,500 855 3.8

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by 1st Rate Insurance Services Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Carlsborg 296
Port Ludlow 772
San Juan County 4686
Bow 527
Bell Hill 131
Oak Bay-Port Ludlow 2180
Edison 12
Hansville 628
North Whidbey Island 4903
Coupeville 339
Lake Goodwin 486
South Whidbey Island 2846
Port Hadlock-Irondale 671
Port Gamble Tribal Community 68
Anacortes 2611

Number of vacant houses in places near by 1st Rate Insurance Services Llc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Carlsborg 70
Port Ludlow 435
San Juan County 5266
Bow 205
Oak Bay-Port Ludlow 1154
Hansville 414
North Whidbey Island 1648
Coupeville 62
Lake Goodwin 192
South Whidbey Island 1924
Port Hadlock-Irondale 234
Port Gamble Tribal Community 8
Anacortes 1439

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by 1st Rate Insurance Services Llc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Port Ludlow 129
San Juan County 1048
Bow 407
Bell Hill 28
Oak Bay-Port Ludlow 312
Edison 14
Hansville 147
North Whidbey Island 2635
Coupeville 66
Lake Goodwin 193
South Whidbey Island 676
Port Hadlock-Irondale 65
Port Gamble Tribal Community 45
Anacortes 1377

Number of blacks in places near by 1st Rate Insurance Services Llc

Place name Number of blacks
Port Ludlow 23
San Juan County 109
Bow 2
Oak Bay-Port Ludlow 131
Hansville 10
North Whidbey Island 1223
South Whidbey Island 97
Port Hadlock-Irondale 15
Anacortes 125