Statistics & Research about Issaquah,WA - Accent Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Issaquah,WA an area served by Accent Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 425-996-0770

Car dealers nearby Accent Insurance Agency Inc

Issaquah Imports

Phone: (877) 662-8932

Real estate research for area nearby Accent Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Suquamish 224,200 997 5.3
Mill Creek East 360,800 1622 5.4
North Bend 415,500 1037 3.0
Mukilteo 469,500 1311 3.4
Browns Point 473,500 1171 3.0
Maplewood 403,000 1253 3.7
Bonney Lake 273,400 1261 5.5
Lake Holm 374,900 1110 3.6
Kirkland 464,200 1370 3.5
Klahanie 467,300 1755 4.5

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Accent Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Suquamish 647
Mill Creek East 465
North Bend 682
Mukilteo 1999
Browns Point 208
Maplewood 314
Bonney Lake 627
Lake Holm 230
Kirkland 8440
Klahanie 743
Silver Firs 589
South Prairie 11
Woods Creek 307
Seattle 127042
Lynnwood 5084

Number of whites in places near by Accent Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Suquamish 3150
Mill Creek East 10374
North Bend 5350
Mukilteo 15412
Browns Point 1126
Maplewood 4195
Bonney Lake 15063
Lake Holm 3227
Kirkland 38645
Klahanie 7808
Silver Firs 16888
South Prairie 454
Woods Creek 5367
Seattle 644720
Lynnwood 23606

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Accent Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Suquamish 136
Mill Creek East 1690
North Bend 481
Mukilteo 2079
Browns Point 83
Maplewood 427
Bonney Lake 1745
Lake Holm 409
Kirkland 3400
Klahanie 1245
Silver Firs 2675
South Prairie 28
Woods Creek 470
Seattle 58953
Lynnwood 2307

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Accent Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Suquamish 40
Mill Creek East 541
North Bend 100
Mukilteo 405
Browns Point 23
Maplewood 61
Bonney Lake 303
Lake Holm 62
Kirkland 1236
Klahanie 197
Silver Firs 516
Woods Creek 90
Seattle 21389
Lynnwood 667