Statistics & Research about Snoqualmie,WA - All Seasons Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Snoqualmie,WA an area served by All Seasons Insurance

38579 SE RIVER ST STE 13
Phone : 425-888-8856

Real estate research for area nearby All Seasons Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
North Lynnwood 257,500 1213 5.7
Ravensdale 392,900 738 2.3
Lake Marcel-Stillwater 353500 NA NA
Hobart 475,300 1670 4.2
Renton 299,500 1089 4.4
Woodinville 439,300 1166 3.2
Lake Roesiger 397,400 779 2.4
South Prairie 228,600 377 2.0
Fife Heights 327,000 1354 5.0
Bothell 357,700 1243 4.2

Number of vacant houses in places near by All Seasons Insurance

Place name Number of vacant houses
North Lynnwood 496
Ravensdale 11
Lake Marcel-Stillwater 61
Hobart 50
Renton 2031
Woodinville 404
Lake Roesiger 117
South Prairie 7
Fife Heights 41
Bothell 664
Lake Forest Park 288
Beaux Arts Village 4
Snoqualmie Valley 1830
SeaTac 868
Mountlake Terrace 414

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by All Seasons Insurance

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
North Lynnwood 235500
Ravensdale 651800
Lake Marcel-Stillwater 359700
Hobart 472000
Renton 244500
Woodinville 448800
Fife Heights 318200
Bothell 369900
Lake Forest Park 479300
Snoqualmie Valley 340600
SeaTac 271200
Mountlake Terrace 201300

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by All Seasons Insurance

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
North Lynnwood 237
Ravensdale 16
Lake Marcel-Stillwater 36
Hobart 189
Renton 1625
Woodinville 170
Lake Roesiger 11
Fife Heights 56
Bothell 745
Lake Forest Park 632
Beaux Arts Village 25
Snoqualmie Valley 1137
SeaTac 529
Mountlake Terrace 404

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by All Seasons Insurance

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
North Lynnwood 291600
Hobart 407500
Renton 282600
Woodinville 368300
Fife Heights 327900
Bothell 324800
Lake Forest Park 411500
Beaux Arts Village 775000
Snoqualmie Valley 337600
SeaTac 245700
Mountlake Terrace 292700