Statistics & Research about Gig Harbor,WA - Axelrod & Cybak Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Gig Harbor,WA an area served by Axelrod & Cybak Insurance Agency Inc

3309 56TH ST NW STE 101
Phone : 253-858-9988

Real estate research for area nearby Axelrod & Cybak Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Key Center 273,100 1040 4.6
Auburn 255,900 967 4.5
Kent 278,300 992 4.3
Lakewood 234,800 807 4.1
Chico 377,800 1667 5.3
East Port Orchard 231,200 955 5.0
Wollochet 427,900 1117 3.1
Federal Way-Auburn 254,000 983 4.6
Des Moines 275,200 1035 4.5
Crocker 166800 NA NA

Number of vacant houses in places near by Axelrod & Cybak Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Key Center 232
Auburn 1437
Kent 2806
Lakewood 2414
Chico 93
East Port Orchard 124
Wollochet 435
Federal Way-Auburn 4429
Des Moines 1048
Crocker 58
Maple Valley 423
Maple Heights-Lake Desire 90
Gig Harbor Peninsula 2144
Southworth 202
McChord AFB 130

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Axelrod & Cybak Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Key Center 338100
Auburn 298500
Kent 336300
Lakewood 409000
Chico 759600
East Port Orchard 274300
Wollochet 469900
Federal Way-Auburn 320700
Des Moines 379300
Crocker 350000
Maple Valley 342800
Maple Heights-Lake Desire 569900
Gig Harbor Peninsula 497700
Southworth 439800

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Axelrod & Cybak Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Key Center 47
Auburn 1515
Kent 1867
Lakewood 673
Chico 115
East Port Orchard 35
Wollochet 160
Federal Way-Auburn 3057
Des Moines 677
Maple Valley 604
Maple Heights-Lake Desire 168
Gig Harbor Peninsula 878
Southworth 25

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Axelrod & Cybak Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Key Center 267000
Auburn 291900
Kent 292500
Lakewood 253500
Chico 407500
East Port Orchard 249000
Wollochet 416500
Federal Way-Auburn 279400
Des Moines 350400
Crocker 159800
Maple Valley 331400
Maple Heights-Lake Desire 524700
Gig Harbor Peninsula 403200
Southworth 207000