Statistics & Research about Kirkland,WA - Choice Insurance Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Kirkland,WA an area served by Choice Insurance Llc

1715 MARKET ST STE 100
Phone : 425-739-6565

Real estate research for area nearby Choice Insurance Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Boulevard Park 260,700 931 4.3
Indianola 259,700 1130 5.2
Monroe North 361,800 2001 6.6
Klahanie 467,300 1755 4.5
Burley 238,700 870 4.4
Sammamish 589,000 1611 3.3
Brier 377,800 1724 5.5
Issaquah Plateau 516,300 1456 3.4
Mountlake Terrace 275,200 1086 4.7
Bothell West 329,000 1369 5.0

Number of vacant houses in places near by Choice Insurance Llc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Boulevard Park 116
Indianola 237
Monroe North 57
Klahanie 123
Sammamish 743
Brier 38
Issaquah Plateau 1662
Mountlake Terrace 414
Bothell West 327
Snohomish 1203
Vashon Island 826
Mukilteo 507
Tahoma-Maple Valley 1209
Meadowdale 29

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Choice Insurance Llc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Boulevard Park 177
Indianola 124
Monroe North 199
Klahanie 1245
Burley 209
Sammamish 6917
Brier 627
Issaquah Plateau 8354
Mountlake Terrace 1304
Bothell West 1827
Snohomish 2611
Vashon Island 897
Mukilteo 2079
Tahoma-Maple Valley 6876
Meadowdale 421

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Choice Insurance Llc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Boulevard Park 299
Indianola 844
Monroe North 399
Klahanie 1947
Burley 342
Sammamish 5071
Brier 1062
Issaquah Plateau 8970
Mountlake Terrace 3147
Bothell West 2528
Snohomish 6851
Vashon Island 2490
Mukilteo 2957
Tahoma-Maple Valley 11297
Meadowdale 377

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Choice Insurance Llc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Boulevard Park 251
Indianola 162
Klahanie 79
Burley 39
Sammamish 565
Brier 28
Issaquah Plateau 2032
Mountlake Terrace 997
Bothell West 212
Snohomish 859
Vashon Island 638
Mukilteo 799
Tahoma-Maple Valley 887
Meadowdale 15