Statistics & Research about Everett,WA - Coram Insurance Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Everett,WA an area served by Coram Insurance Llc

2520 COLBY AVE STE 106
Phone : 425-220-2839

Real estate research for area nearby Coram Insurance Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Carnation 327,700 1085 4.0
Ames Lake 483,200 1946 4.8
Sisco Heights 360,100 1669 5.6
Hansville 303,600 1630 6.4
Startup 187500 NA NA
Keyport 325900 NA NA
Silverdale 286,900 1111 4.6
Medina 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Issaquah Plateau 516,300 1456 3.4
Oak Bay-Port Ludlow 304,400 638 2.5

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Coram Insurance Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Carnation 168
Ames Lake 108
Sisco Heights 101
Hansville 628
Startup 56
Keyport 59
Silverdale 2437
Medina 46
Issaquah Plateau 6351
Oak Bay-Port Ludlow 2180
Kingsgate 1373
Lake Ketchum 83
Brier 233
Lake McMurray 30
Port Hadlock-Irondale 671

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Coram Insurance Llc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Carnation 19
Ames Lake 22
Sisco Heights 19
Hansville 122
Silverdale 1160
Medina 5
Issaquah Plateau 2032
Oak Bay-Port Ludlow 754
Kingsgate 359
Brier 28
Lake McMurray 6
Port Hadlock-Irondale 363

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Coram Insurance Llc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Carnation 450000
Ames Lake 1000001
Sisco Heights 408100
Hansville 465000
Silverdale 315200
Medina 1000001
Issaquah Plateau 564200
Oak Bay-Port Ludlow 409200
Kingsgate 430900
Lake Ketchum 198400
Brier 444400
Lake McMurray 198400
Port Hadlock-Irondale 223900

Number of blacks in places near by Coram Insurance Llc

Place name Number of blacks
Carnation 48
Hansville 10
Silverdale 419
Medina 8
Issaquah Plateau 839
Oak Bay-Port Ludlow 131
Kingsgate 249
Brier 33
Port Hadlock-Irondale 15