Statistics & Research about Silverdale,WA - Dan Cantillana

Here are some statistics & research about Silverdale,WA an area served by Dan Cantillana

9853 Silverdale Way Northwest Suite 105
Phone : 360-692-1117

Car dealers nearby Dan Cantillana

Silver City Automotive

Silver City Automotive 9549 Silverdale WaySilverdale, WA 98383
Phone: (360) 337-1600

Real estate research for area nearby Dan Cantillana

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Martha Lake 343,900 1243 4.3
Seattle 381,000 1029 3.2
Dash Point 550,600 1088 2.4
Brinnon 210,300 668 3.8
Yarrow Point 1,000,001 1206 1.4
Mill Creek East 360,800 1622 5.4
Oak Bay-Port Ludlow 304,400 638 2.5
Navy Yard City 151,200 898 7.1
Gig Harbor 421,800 1120 3.2
Medina 1,000,001 2001 2.4

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Dan Cantillana

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Martha Lake 359
Seattle 21389
Dash Point 15
Brinnon 5
Yarrow Point 74
Mill Creek East 541
Oak Bay-Port Ludlow 46
Navy Yard City 34
Gig Harbor 95
Medina 262
Rosedale 20
Chico 115
Silver Firs 516
Suquamish 40

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Dan Cantillana

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Martha Lake 313
Seattle 101797
Dash Point 19
Brinnon 232
Yarrow Point 6
Mill Creek East 42
Oak Bay-Port Ludlow 754
Navy Yard City 117
Gig Harbor 453
Medina 5
Blyn 23
Rosedale 95
Silver Firs 59
Suquamish 141

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Dan Cantillana

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Martha Lake 336000
Seattle 311400
Dash Point 666700
Brinnon 171900
Yarrow Point 1000001
Mill Creek East 311500
Oak Bay-Port Ludlow 208300
Navy Yard City 159800
Gig Harbor 415600
Medina 1000001
Rosedale 396500
Chico 334100
Silver Firs 312700
Suquamish 190200

Number of new houses in places near by Dan Cantillana

Place name Number of new houses
Seattle 488900
Yarrow Point 1000001
Mill Creek East 343000
Medina 1000001