Statistics & Research about Seattle,WA - Hjorth Insurance Financial Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Seattle,WA an area served by Hjorth Insurance Financial Inc

Phone : 206-783-1818

Real estate research for area nearby Hjorth Insurance Financial Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Port Orchard 251,400 980 4.7
Lakeland South 278,500 1383 6.0
Snohomish 307,900 1096 4.3
Chain Lake 427,800 1392 3.9
Raft Island 351900 NA NA
Seattle 381,000 1029 3.2
SeaTac 243,000 917 4.5
Chico 377,800 1667 5.3
Duvall 385,300 1571 4.9
Lynnwood 300,800 984 3.9

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Hjorth Insurance Financial Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Port Orchard 6173
Lakeland South 712
Snohomish 2840
Chain Lake 80
Raft Island 10
Seattle 127042
SeaTac 3175
Chico 146
Duvall 128
Lynnwood 5084
Waller 824
Puyallup 14890
Woodway 14
Lofall 77
Union Hill-Novelty Hill 1971

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Hjorth Insurance Financial Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Port Orchard 235800
Lakeland South 240900
Snohomish 339500
Chain Lake 422300
Seattle 311400
SeaTac 271200
Chico 334100
Duvall 331400
Lynnwood 318900
Waller 280900
Puyallup 248300
Woodway 1000001
Lofall 279700
Union Hill-Novelty Hill 601600

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Hjorth Insurance Financial Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Port Orchard 549
Lakeland South 293
Snohomish 568
Chain Lake 104
Raft Island 20
Seattle 21389
SeaTac 529
Chico 115
Duvall 100
Lynnwood 667
Waller 127
Puyallup 2572
Woodway 99
Lofall 22
Union Hill-Novelty Hill 624

Number of blacks in places near by Hjorth Insurance Financial Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Port Orchard 1018
Lakeland South 109
Snohomish 429
Seattle 83004
SeaTac 4555
Chico 122
Duvall 36
Lynnwood 2048
Waller 96
Puyallup 2709
Woodway 91
Union Hill-Novelty Hill 108