Statistics & Research about Monroe,WA - Lbs Insurance Group

Here are some statistics & research about Monroe,WA an area served by Lbs Insurance Group

101 E Main St STE 104
Phone : (360) 805-9484

Real estate research for area nearby Lbs Insurance Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Inglewood-Finn Hill 405,600 1216 3.6
Snohomish 307,900 1096 4.3
Seattle 381,000 1029 3.2
Martha Lake 343,900 1243 4.3
Union Hill-Novelty Hill 578,700 1555 3.2
North Marysville 233300 NA NA
Fobes Hill 382,100 1335 4.2
Verlot 242300 NA NA
Index 227,100 720 3.8
Brier 377,800 1724 5.5

Number of vacant houses in places near by Lbs Insurance Group

Place name Number of vacant houses
Inglewood-Finn Hill 299
Snohomish 1203
Seattle 29862
Martha Lake 313
Union Hill-Novelty Hill 492
Fobes Hill 36
Verlot 64
Index 31
Brier 38
Mill Creek 368
Baring 124
Edmonds 5047
Hunts Point 48

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Lbs Insurance Group

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Inglewood-Finn Hill 2858
Snohomish 2611
Seattle 58953
Martha Lake 1559
Union Hill-Novelty Hill 2675
North Marysville 10
Fobes Hill 302
Index 6
Brier 627
Mill Creek 2035
Baring 5
Edmonds 21414
Hunts Point 94

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Lbs Insurance Group

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Inglewood-Finn Hill 580
Snohomish 568
Seattle 21389
Martha Lake 359
Union Hill-Novelty Hill 624
Fobes Hill 14
Index 4
Brier 209
Mill Creek 317
Edmonds 5522
Hunts Point 34

Number of blacks in places near by Lbs Insurance Group

Place name Number of blacks
Inglewood-Finn Hill 404
Snohomish 429
Seattle 83004
Martha Lake 389
Union Hill-Novelty Hill 108
Brier 33
Mill Creek 553
Edmonds 7477