Statistics & Research about Poulsbo,WA - Mcsweeney & Ricci Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Poulsbo,WA an area served by Mcsweeney & Ricci Insurance

19589 Front St Ne, Ste 100

Car dealers nearby Mcsweeney & Ricci Insurance

Courtesy Auto Group

Phone: (360) 697-2700

Real estate research for area nearby Mcsweeney & Ricci Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Freeland 335,800 1173 4.2
Inglewood-Finn Hill 405,600 1216 3.6
Picnic Point 361,900 1523 5.1
Southworth 281,100 1000 4.3
Chico 377,800 1667 5.3
Woodinville 439,300 1166 3.2
Sammamish 589,000 1611 3.3
Burien 291,000 919 3.8
Allyn 325,300 2001 7.4
Bothell 357,700 1243 4.2

Number of new houses in places near by Mcsweeney & Ricci Insurance

Place name Number of new houses
Sammamish 680900
Burien 908300
Bothell 440500
Sequim 240600
Maltby 451800

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Mcsweeney & Ricci Insurance

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Freeland 102
Inglewood-Finn Hill 2858
Picnic Point 1079
Southworth 156
Chico 385
Woodinville 1139
Sammamish 6917
Burien 2620
Allyn 65
Bothell 2818
Kayak Point 173
Fobes Hill 302
Sequim 659
Bangor Base 226
Maltby 5352

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Mcsweeney & Ricci Insurance

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Freeland 389
Inglewood-Finn Hill 4085
Picnic Point 1497
Southworth 419
Chico 354
Woodinville 1495
Sammamish 5071
Burien 5008
Allyn 594
Bothell 5093
Kayak Point 428
Fobes Hill 443
Sequim 4131
Bangor Base 338
Maltby 7866

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Mcsweeney & Ricci Insurance

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Freeland 40
Inglewood-Finn Hill 580
Picnic Point 241
Southworth 25
Chico 115
Woodinville 170
Sammamish 1701
Burien 802
Allyn 44
Bothell 745
Fobes Hill 14
Sequim 202
Bangor Base 11
Maltby 1430