Statistics & Research about Forks,WA - Milam Felker Insurance Services, Inc.

Here are some statistics & research about Forks,WA an area served by Milam Felker Insurance Services, Inc.

150 S Forks Ave
Phone : (360) 374-5080

Real estate research for area nearby Milam Felker Insurance Services, Inc.

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Clallam County 234,000 812 4.2
Neah Bay 115,900 394 4.1
Clallam Bay 161,100 225 1.7
Crescent 247,700 835 4.0
West End 79,000 188 2.9
Forks 144,500 721 6.0
Clallam Bay-Neah Bay 151,100 464 3.7

Number of vacant houses in places near by Milam Felker Insurance Services, Inc.

Place name Number of vacant houses
Clallam County 4633
Neah Bay 75
Sekiu 57
Clallam Bay 67
Crescent 569
West End 83
Forks 483
Clallam Bay-Neah Bay 340

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Milam Felker Insurance Services, Inc.

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Clallam County 212700
Crescent 171300
West End 310700
Forks 134000
Clallam Bay-Neah Bay 228800

Number of new houses in places near by Milam Felker Insurance Services, Inc.

Place name Number of new houses
Clallam County 273200

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Milam Felker Insurance Services, Inc.

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Clallam County 267500
Neah Bay 150000
Clallam Bay 93000
Crescent 268000
West End 62500
Forks 153900
Clallam Bay-Neah Bay 106800