Statistics & Research about Port Townsend,WA - Mosaic Insurance Alliance Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Port Townsend,WA an area served by Mosaic Insurance Alliance Llc

Phone : 360-385-3711

Real estate research for area nearby Mosaic Insurance Alliance Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Northwest Stanwood 290,900 1583 6.5
Hansville 303,600 1630 6.4
Picnic Point 361,900 1523 5.1
Friday Harbor 360,900 935 3.1
Island County 301,200 1015 4.0
Woodway 968,500 2001 2.5
Camano Island 336,000 1101 3.9
Carlsborg 125,400 780 7.5
Camano 336,000 1101 3.9

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Mosaic Insurance Alliance Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Picnic Point 241
Friday Harbor 22
Island County 834
Woodway 99
Camano Island 117
Carlsborg 13
Camano 117
Indianola 15
Bangor Base 11
Bryant 11
Poulsbo 484

Number of vacant houses in places near by Mosaic Insurance Alliance Llc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Hansville 414
Picnic Point 148
Friday Harbor 241
Island County 6894
Woodway 26
Camano Island 2031
Carlsborg 70
Whidbey Island Station 71
Camano 2031
Indianola 237
Port Hadlock-Irondale 234
Bangor Base 90
Poulsbo 1506

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Mosaic Insurance Alliance Llc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Hansville 147
Picnic Point 1079
Friday Harbor 106
Island County 4962
Woodway 238
Camano Island 1019
Whidbey Island Station 5
Camano 1019
Indianola 124
Port Hadlock-Irondale 65
Bangor Base 226
Bryant 130
Poulsbo 2804

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Mosaic Insurance Alliance Llc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Northwest Stanwood 19
Hansville 933
Picnic Point 1497
Friday Harbor 412
Island County 17675
Woodway 132
Camano Island 3569
Carlsborg 255
Whidbey Island Station 72
Camano 3569
Indianola 844
Port Hadlock-Irondale 895
Bangor Base 338
Bryant 412
Poulsbo 8603