Statistics & Research about Duvall,WA - T & R Life Management Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Duvall,WA an area served by T & R Life Management Inc

15715 MAIN ST NE
Phone : 800-373-1523

Real estate research for area nearby T & R Life Management Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Cathcart 459,900 1482 3.9
Lake Forest Park 434,500 1127 3.1
Kenmore 397,900 1152 3.5
Beaux Arts Village 915,900 2001 2.6
Black Diamond 319,900 674 2.5
Medina 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Duvall 385,300 1571 4.9
Startup 187500 NA NA
Lake Cassidy 372,900 1183 3.8
Mountlake Terrace 275,200 1086 4.7

Number of whites in places near by T & R Life Management Inc

Place name Number of whites
Cathcart 2522
Lake Forest Park 10950
Kenmore 16070
Beaux Arts Village 415
Black Diamond 3897
Medina 2394
Duvall 6265
Startup 620
Lake Cassidy 3472
Mountlake Terrace 14947
SeaTac 15579
Tahoma-Maple Valley 51522
Maltby 40152
Clyde Hill 2561
Yarrow Point 909

Number of new houses in places near by T & R Life Management Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Medina 1000001
Duvall 376500
Mountlake Terrace 317500
Tahoma-Maple Valley 270500
Maltby 451800
Yarrow Point 1000001

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by T & R Life Management Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Cathcart 227
Lake Forest Park 1624
Kenmore 2133
Beaux Arts Village 47
Black Diamond 437
Medina 458
Duvall 865
Startup 80
Lake Cassidy 492
Mountlake Terrace 1304
SeaTac 1101
Tahoma-Maple Valley 6876
Maltby 5352
Clyde Hill 433
Yarrow Point 174

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by T & R Life Management Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Cathcart 414
Lake Forest Park 1867
Kenmore 2836
Beaux Arts Village 68
Black Diamond 891
Medina 370
Duvall 1099
Startup 137
Lake Cassidy 600
Mountlake Terrace 3147
SeaTac 3372
Tahoma-Maple Valley 11297
Maltby 7866
Clyde Hill 229
Yarrow Point 147