Statistics & Research about Redmond,WA - Valley Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Redmond,WA an area served by Valley Insurance Agency

16025 NE 85TH ST STE 100
Phone : 425-883-3774

Car dealers nearby Valley Insurance Agency

Car Rental & Auto Sales

Phone: (425) 562-1850

Real estate research for area nearby Valley Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Auburn 255,900 967 4.5
Mill Creek East 360,800 1622 5.4
Cathcart 459,900 1482 3.9
Lakeland North 276,400 1338 5.8
Lake Marcel-Stillwater 353500 NA NA
SeaTac 243,000 917 4.5
Bothell West 329,000 1369 5.0
Kenmore 397,900 1152 3.5
North Bend 415,500 1037 3.0
Indianola 259,700 1130 5.2

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Valley Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Auburn 238300
Mill Creek East 222400
Cathcart 427100
Lakeland North 245700
SeaTac 245700
Bothell West 299600
Kenmore 371100
North Bend 361700
Indianola 242400
Port Orchard 232000
Seattle 327200
Shoreline 377400
Seattle East 410300
Monroe North 297500

Number of new houses in places near by Valley Insurance Agency

Place name Number of new houses
Auburn 226000
Mill Creek East 343000
Bothell West 311100
Port Orchard 275000
Seattle 488900
Seattle East 503500

Number of blacks in places near by Valley Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Auburn 4332
Mill Creek East 102
Cathcart 2
Lakeland North 596
SeaTac 4555
Bothell West 470
Kenmore 319
North Bend 38
Indianola 9
Port Orchard 1018
Seattle 83004
Shoreline 2791
Seattle East 19681
Monroe North 25

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Valley Insurance Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Auburn 4956
Mill Creek East 1690
Cathcart 227
Lakeland North 1246
Lake Marcel-Stillwater 99
SeaTac 1101
Bothell West 1827
Kenmore 2133
North Bend 481
Indianola 124
Port Orchard 4067
Seattle 58953
Shoreline 4111
Seattle East 54140
Monroe North 199