Statistics & Research about Woodinville,WA - William T Hunt Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Woodinville,WA an area served by William T Hunt Insurance

18915 142Nd Ave Ne, Ste 110A, #2

Real estate research for area nearby William T Hunt Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Enetai 204,600 1294 7.6
Navy Yard City 151,200 898 7.1
Maple Valley 319,900 1331 5.0
Sammamish 589,000 1611 3.3
Tulalip Reservation 275,800 1077 4.7
Seattle East 456,000 1288 3.4
North Bend 415,500 1037 3.0
Everett 274,500 980 4.3
Woods Creek 379,400 1581 5.0
Issaquah Plateau 516,300 1456 3.4

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by William T Hunt Insurance

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Enetai 314
Navy Yard City 333
Maple Valley 3685
Sammamish 5071
Tulalip Reservation 2039
Seattle East 71942
North Bend 803
Everett 23544
Woods Creek 1077
Issaquah Plateau 8970
Des Moines 4234
Southworth 419
Bothell 5093
Langley 211
Seattle 109980

Number of vacant houses in places near by William T Hunt Insurance

Place name Number of vacant houses
Enetai 7
Navy Yard City 104
Maple Valley 423
Sammamish 743
Tulalip Reservation 563
Seattle East 13836
North Bend 178
Everett 4295
Woods Creek 122
Issaquah Plateau 1662
Des Moines 1048
Southworth 202
Bothell 664
Langley 90
Seattle 29862

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by William T Hunt Insurance

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Navy Yard City 320700
Maple Valley 342800
Sammamish 634700
Tulalip Reservation 376500
Seattle East 540800
Everett 311900
Woods Creek 459600
Issaquah Plateau 564200
Des Moines 379300
Southworth 439800
Bothell 467600
Langley 476700
Seattle 380300

Number of new houses in places near by William T Hunt Insurance

Place name Number of new houses
Maple Valley 280500
Sammamish 680900
Seattle East 503500
Everett 315200
Issaquah Plateau 622900
Des Moines 174200
Bothell 440500
Seattle 488900